Elody Sanchis Libe


Name: Elody Sanchis Libe
Biography: Throughout her academic journey, Elody Sanchis Libe delved into the realm of visual communication in Toulouse, France, where she earned her initial communication baccalaureate, followed by a specialization in Advanced Techniques in Visual Communication (2013). Subsequently, she pursued higher education, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree (2017) and a Master of Plastic Expression with a focus on Real-Time Art (A-RT) from the École Supérieure d’Art in Aix-en-Provence, France (2019). Elody Sanchis Libe has showcased her creative endeavors in numerous exhibitions across France and abroad, notably co-creating AVÉ FANTI!, displayed at FRAC PACA (2018). She was honored with a grant from Arts Council England, showcasing her work SUR TERRE at the KCAW festival in London, England (2020). In more recent endeavors, she took up residence at the School of Visual Arts in New York, exhibiting her work at Tiger Strikes Asteroid and the Aerogramme Center for Arts and Culture in New York, USA (2021). Her artistic contributions have graced prestigious venues such as the CICA Museum in South Korea (2022) and the Donner Wieblitz Gallery in Munich, Germany (2023) for the Flower Power Festival. Collaborating with international artists, physicists, and researchers in the AI field, Elody Sanchis Libe continues to share her vision with audiences worldwide.

Elody Sanchis Libe was born in 1988 in Toulouse, France, and currently resides and creates in Canada.
Cultural Identity: French
Type of artist: Emerging
Type of art practices: Multidisciplinary
Member of: ADAGP (France), RAAV (Québec) and RAAV (Québec)
Art practice Libe develops meticulous work combining performance, installation, photography, video, sound, sculpture, drawing, and writing. As a visual and digital artist, her multidisciplinary approach, rooted in philosophical and sociological research, focuses on an in-depth exploration of our societal conditioning and highlights the unconditional nature of human existence.
